we took Peyton with us to celebrate!

We went to get bagels and asked for the new poppers chocolate chip cookies but it turns out that they weren't bagels they were real cookies! bonus!

This was the view from our first hotel room then we got switched to a different room.

in this room we got a view of the wedding pavilion there we saw a lot of bunnies!
our hotel!

now in the animal kingdom on a safari are girrafes

this is a termite mound I am not kidding and I don't know that broom came in the picture there wasn't one on the car that we were in.

now we have elephants!

flamingos one of my favorite animals

big fat ostrich eggs

I don't know what that is above

the tree of life!

anna and mom went scuba diving!

mount everest my favorite ride! we went on 7 times or more

monkeys! yeah! but now our trip is over boohoo... but it was a great trip!